Dry Eye Treatment In
Mount Clemens, MI

Your journey to dry eye restoration starts here. At LaCroix Eye Care, we have chosen to specialize in dry eye therapy by offering the most innovative treatments available to provide personalized care and lasting relief from your symptoms.

What Is Dry Eye?

Dry eye sounds like a simple condition, but it is in fact very complex. There are several factors that influence to dry eye, ultimately leading to inadequate tear production, flow, or quality. This brings about a range of symptoms that disrupt clear and comfortable vision. In order for relief to be achieved, treatment must be tailored based on the underlying cause of your dryness. We’re here to help you better understand your specific condition and offer solutions to provide long-lasting comfort from your dry eye symptoms.

Raising hand with question mark icon

Are You At Risk For Dry Eye?

Dry eye can affect all kinds of individuals. If one of these apply to you, your chances of dry eye are higher: Dry eye syndrome can impact everyone. Risk factors include but are not limited to:

  • Advancing age
  • Prolonged screen usage
  • Wearing contact lenses
  • Meibomian gland dysfunction (MGD)
  • Medical conditions like diabetes, thyroid disorders, and autoimmune diseases
  • Medications like antihistamines and antidepressants
  • Environmental factors like dry climates or exposure to smoke
Dry eye icon

What Are The Symptoms Of Dry Eye

If you experience these symptoms frequently, you may be experiencing dry eye:

  • Persistent dryness and irritation
  • Gritty or sandy sensation
  • Burning or stinging
  • Redness
  • Sensitivity to light
  • Blurry or fluctuating vision
  • Increased eye watering
Woman suffering from dry eye
Woman working on laptop suffering from dry eye symptoms

What Can Cause Dry Eye Disease?

Dry eye disease is impacted by several factors, ultimately leading to disruption of the delicate tear film dynamic. Some of these factors include environmental influences, computer usage, allergies, contact lens wear, certain medications, previous eye surgeries, and systemic health conditions, such as autoimmune disease. Eyelid conditions like blepharitis and incomplete lid closure also play a role. This results in not enough tear production or tears that evaporate away too quickly, causing burning, blurry vision, redness, and discomfort. Understanding the multifactorial nature of dry eye allows our doctors tailor their treatment approach to target the specific cause of your dry eye symptoms and provide long-lasting relief.

How Do We Diagnose Dry Eye?

Diagnosing dry eye involves a thorough examination of the ocular surface, tear film dynamic, and eyelids. Our advanced diagnostic technology helps aid in our ability to effectively evaluate and document these aspects of your dry eye. Our Lipiscan analyzes the structure of the meibomian glands to identify signs of gland dropout. The Oculus 5M Keratograph provides a detailed map of your cornea and tear film to identify irregularities. These advanced diagnostic tools are invaluable as they enable precise and targeted treatment strategies, leading to improved management and relief for individuals with dry eye.

Man getting an exam at LaCroix Eye Care for dry eye diagnosis
Woman working on laptop suffering from dry eye symptoms

How Is It Treated?

Treatment depends on the underlying cause of your dry eye. Treatments we offer include:

  • Lipiflow
  • Intense Pulsed Light
  • Low Level Light Therapy
  • Autologous Serum Drops
  • Amniotic Membranes
  • Punctal Plugs
  • Moisture Chamber Goggles
  • Zocular Lid Cleansing
  • Nutraceuticals

Innovative Dry Eye Treatments

At LaCroix Eye Care, we have chosen to specialize in dry eye therapy by offering the most innovative treatments to provide customized care and improved outcomes.

Woman getting LipiFlow Thermal Pulsation treatment for dry eye

LipiFlow Thermal Pulsation

LipiFlow® is an innovative treatment for dry eye that utilizes thermal pulsation technology to treat meibomian gland dysfunction (MGD). By applying controlled heat and gentle pressure to the eyelids, LipiFlow® helps to unblock and restore proper function to the meibomian glands. This helps improve oil flow and the production of healthier tears to alleviate symptoms of dry eye.

Woman getting Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) treatment for dry eye in Mount Clemens, MI at LaCroix Eye Care

Intense Pulsed Light (IPL)

Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) is a treatment used to address underlying causes of dry eye when there is significant inflammation involved. By delivering controlled pulses of broad-spectrum light to the skin around the eyes, IPL can target and reduce inflammation surrounding the meibomian glands, restoring their function. This improves oil flow and the stability of your tear film to alleviate symptoms of dry eye.

Patient getting Low-Level Light Treatment (LLLT) treatment for dry eye management at LaCroix

Low-Level Light Treatment (LLLT)

Low-Level Light Treatment is a therapeutic approach for managing dry eye disease that involves using specific wavelengths of light. By exposing the eyes to this gentle and non-invasive light therapy, LLLT can stimulate cellular activity, reduce inflammation, and promote tissue repair, healing the eyelid tissues and surface. LLLT has numerous benefits including the treatment of meibomian gland dysfunction, chalazion, and styes.

LipiFlow Thermal Pulsation

Woman getting LipiFlow Thermal Pulsation treatment for dry eye

LipiFlow® is an innovative treatment for dry eye that utilizes thermal pulsation technology to address the underlying cause of meibomian gland dysfunction (MGD). By applying controlled heat and gentle pressure to the eyelids, LipiFlow® helps to unblock and restore proper function to the meibomian glands, allowing for the production of healthier tears and alleviating the symptoms of dry eye.

Intense Pulsed Light (IPL)

Woman getting Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) treatment for dry eye in Mount Clemens, MI at LaCroix Eye Care

Intense Pulsed Light is a treatment used to address underlying causes of dry eye, such as inflammation and dysfunction in the meibomian glands. By delivering controlled pulses of broad-spectrum light to the skin around the eyes, IPL can target and improve these conditions, resulting in reduced inflammation, improved gland function, and, ultimately, relief from dry eye symptoms.

Low-Level Light Treatment (LLLT)

Patient getting Low-Level Light Treatment (LLLT) treatment for dry eye management at LaCroix

Low-Level Light Treatment is a therapeutic approach for managing dry eye disease that involves using specific wavelengths of light. By exposing the eyes to this gentle and non-invasive light therapy, LLLT can stimulate cellular activity, reduce inflammation, and promote healing in the ocular surface, leading to improved tear production and relief from dry eye symptoms.

Est. 1939

Why Choose LaCroix Eye Care?

With our advanced diagnostic tools and expertise, we can accurately identify dry eye and its underlying causes, enabling us to recommend the most effective treatments for fast and lasting relief. from its uncomfortable symptoms.

Dr. Tessa Fredal provides dry eye treatment at LaCroix Eye Care

Book Your Eye Exam Today!